The chart below shows new COVID-19 confirmed positive cases in Illinois. This data has been filtered to include only Zip Codes that report 100 or more positive cases and is reversed sorted by the 2 day trailing growth rate, highest to lowest.
Notable top communities outside Chicago include Des Plaines, and new to the top 10 list:
Chicagoland Latino Community on track to lead in COVID-19 Deaths. Quick action is needed to educate and protect the Latino Community. View these actions to help save lives.
The Illinois Department of Public Health issued an update today with the latest count of confirmed Coronavirus test positive cases including numerous new Zip Codes that made the list. We analyzed and updated the top 20 emerging Illinois Zip Codes and see a significant pattern emerging. We excluded from our ranking any Zip Code that hasn’t reported 100 or more confirmed positive cases. The top 20 communities on our list have more than twice as many Latinos than any other race impacted by the virus.
Latino communities are ranking in the top fastest growing areas reporting positive tests for the Coronavirus. Something needs to happen fast to help protect this vital part of our community that is being impacted at a growing rate by the virus.
All vital stores should have chalk or tape markings outside store entrances delimiting 6 feet minimum spacing
Stores need to take accountability for ensuring customers maintain 6 feet of spacing
Cashiers, clerks, stock persons, food service workers all need employer provided protective masks and gloves
Stores should implement mask only hours to protect those that are the most vulnerable
Government agencies need to spot check and enforce these measures in the short term
More rapid 5 minute tests need to be made available to anyone with a fever in these emerging areas
Essential business should be required to conduct daily temperature checks at the start of the work day for each employee.
The previous measures if implemented would slow this down.
Data originates from and depicts the total population counts reported from 2014 census estimates compiled by for the top 20 fastest 3 day average growth rates reported.
Zip Codes having fewer than 100 Confirmed Coronavirus Positive Cases were excluded from today’s ranking by growth Top 20
Zip Codes with less than 100 Confirmed Cases as of 4/11/20 were excluded from the ranking based on daily average growth rate, highest to lowest.